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- /* -*- C -*-
- ** Astrolog (Version 4.40) File: charts2.c
- **
- ** IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display routines
- ** used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1995 by Walter D. Pullen
- ** (astara@u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely use and
- ** distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or
- ** profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these
- ** notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program.
- **
- ** The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
- ** been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
- ** conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
- ** Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
- ** available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
- ** use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
- ** them in any way.
- **
- ** The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
- ** and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby
- ** (brianw@sounds.wa.com). Conditions are identical to those above.
- **
- ** The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
- ** calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
- ** Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
- ** (alois@azur.ch). The use of that source code is subject to
- ** regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the
- ** public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed
- ** by any user of this program.
- **
- ** Initial programming 8/28,30, 9/10,13,16,20,23, 10/3,6,7, 11/7,10,21/1991.
- ** X Window graphics initially programmed 10/23-29/1991.
- ** PostScript graphics initially programmed 11/29-30/1992.
- ** Last code change made 1/29/1995.
- */
- /* $VER: $Id: charts2.c,v 1.2 1995/07/02 22:21:02 tf Exp $ */
- #include "astrolog.h"
- /*
- ******************************************************************************
- ** Dual Chart Display Routines.
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- /* Print out an aspect (or midpoint if -g0 switch in effect) grid of a */
- /* relationship chart. This is similar to the ChartGrid() routine; however, */
- /* here we have both axes labeled with the planets for the two charts in */
- /* question, instead of just a diagonal down the center for only one chart. */
- void ChartGridRelation()
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- int i, j, k, tot = cObj, temp;
- #ifdef INTERPRET
- if (us.fInterpret && !us.fGridConfig)
- {
- InterpretGridRelation();
- return;
- }
- #endif
- PrintSz(" 2>");
- for (temp = 0, i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- PrintCh(chV);
- AnsiColor(kObjA[i]);
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c", chObj3(i)); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- temp++;
- }
- PrintSz("\n1 ");
- for (i = 1; i <= tot; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- PrintCh(chV);
- AnsiColor(kSignA(SFromZ(cp2.obj[i])));
- sprintf(sz, "%2d%c", (int)cp2.obj[i] % 30, chDeg0); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- }
- PrintSz("\nV ");
- for (i = 1; i <= tot; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- PrintCh(chV);
- temp = SFromZ(cp2.obj[i]);
- AnsiColor(kSignA(temp));
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c", chSig3(temp)); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- }
- PrintL();
- for (j = 1; j <= cObj; j++) if (!ignore[j])
- {
- for (k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
- {
- if (k < 2)
- PrintTab(chH, 3);
- else if (k == 2)
- {
- AnsiColor(kObjA[j]);
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c", chObj3(j)); PrintSz(sz);
- }
- else
- {
- temp = SFromZ(cp1.obj[j]);
- AnsiColor(kSignA(temp));
- if (k == 3)
- sprintf(sz, "%2d%c", (int)cp1.obj[j] - (temp-1)*30, chDeg0);
- else
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c", chSig3(temp));
- PrintSz(sz);
- }
- if (k > 1)
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- for (i = 1; i <= tot; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- PrintCh((char)(k < 2 ? chC : chV));
- temp = grid->n[i][j];
- if (k > 1)
- {
- if (i == j)
- AnsiColor(kReverse);
- AnsiColor(us.fGridConfig ? kSignA(temp) :
- kAspA[temp]);
- }
- if (k < 2)
- PrintTab(chH, 3);
- else if (k == 2)
- {
- if (us.fGridConfig)
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c", chSig3(temp));
- else
- sprintf(sz, "%s", temp ? szAspectAbbrev[temp] : " ");
- PrintSz(sz);
- }
- else if (k == 3)
- {
- if (us.fGridConfig)
- {
- sprintf(sz, "%2d%c", grid->v[i][j]/60, chDeg0); PrintSz(sz);
- }
- else if (grid->n[i][j])
- {
- if (grid->v[i][j] < 6000)
- sprintf(sz, "%c%2d", us.fAppSep ? (grid->v[i][j] < 0 ? 'a' : 's')
- : (grid->v[i][j] < 0 ? '-' : '+'), abs(grid->v[i][j])/60);
- else
- sprintf(sz, "%3d", abs(temp)/60);
- PrintSz(sz);
- }
- else PrintSz(" ");
- }
- else
- {
- if (grid->n[i][j])
- {
- sprintf(sz, "%02d'", abs(grid->v[i][j])%60); PrintSz(sz);
- }
- else
- PrintSz(" ");
- }
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- }
- PrintL();
- }
- }
- }
- /* Display all aspects between objects in the relationship comparison chart, */
- /* one per line, in sorted order based on the total "power" of the aspects, */
- /* as specified with the -r0 -a switch combination. */
- void ChartAspectRelation()
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- int pcut = 30000, icut, jcut, phi, ihi, jhi, ahi, p, i, j, k, count = 0;
- real ip, jp;
- loop
- {
- phi = -1;
- /* Search for the next most powerful aspect in the aspect grid. */
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- for (j = 1; j <= cObj; j++) if (!ignore[j])
- {
- if (k = grid->n[i][j])
- {
- ip = i <= oNorm ? objectinf[i] : 2.5;
- jp = j <= oNorm ? objectinf[j] : 2.5;
- p = (int)(aspectinf[k]*(ip+jp)/2.0 * (1.0-RAbs((real)(grid->v[i][j]))/60.0/aspectorb[k])*1000.0);
- if ((p < pcut || (p == pcut && (i > icut || (i == icut && j > jcut)))) && p > phi)
- {
- ihi = i; jhi = j; phi = p; ahi = k;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (phi < 0) /* Exit when no less powerful aspect found. */
- break;
- pcut = phi; icut = ihi; jcut = jhi;
- count++; /* Display the current aspect. */
- #ifdef INTERPRET
- if (us.fInterpret) /* Interpret it if -I in effect. */
- {
- InterpretAspectRelation(jhi, ihi);
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- sprintf(sz, "%3d: ", count); PrintSz(sz);
- PrintAspect(jhi, SFromZ(cp1.obj[jhi]), (int)RSgn(cp1.dir[jhi]), ahi,
- ihi, SFromZ(cp2.obj[ihi]), (int)RSgn(cp2.dir[ihi]), 'A');
- k = grid->v[ihi][jhi];
- AnsiColor(k < 0 ? kWhite : kLtGray);
- sprintf(sz, "- orb: %c%d,%02d'",
- us.fAppSep ? (k < 0 ? 'a' : 's') : (k < 0 ? '-' : '+'),
- abs(k)/60, abs(k)%60); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(kDkGreen);
- sprintf(sz, " - power:%6.2f\n", (real)phi/1000.0); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- }
- }
- /* Display locations of all midpoints between objects in the relationship */
- /* comparison chart, one per line, in sorted zodiac order from zero Aries */
- /* onward, as specified with the -r0 -m switch combination. */
- void ChartMidpointRelation()
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- int mcut = -1, icut, jcut, mlo, ilo, jlo, m, i, j, count = 0;
- loop {
- mlo = 21600;
- /* Search for the next closest midpoint farther down in the zodiac. */
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (!ignore[i])
- {
- for (j = 1; j <= cObj; j++) if (!ignore[j])
- {
- m = (grid->n[j][i]-1)*30*60 + grid->v[j][i];
- if ((m > mcut || (m == mcut && (i > icut || (i == icut && j > jcut)))) && m < mlo)
- {
- ilo = i; jlo = j; mlo = m;
- }
- }
- }
- if (mlo >= 21600) /* Exit when no midpoint farther in zodiac found. */
- break;
- mcut = mlo; icut = ilo; jcut = jlo;
- count++; /* Display the current midpoint. */
- #ifdef INTERPRET
- if (us.fInterpret) /* Interpret it if -I in effect. */
- {
- InterpretMidpointRelation(ilo, jlo);
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- sprintf(sz, "%4d: ", count); PrintSz(sz);
- PrintZodiac((real)mlo/60.0);
- PrintCh(' ');
- PrintAspect(ilo, SFromZ(cp1.obj[ilo]), (int)RSgn(cp1.dir[ilo]), 0,
- jlo, SFromZ(cp2.obj[jlo]), (int)RSgn(cp2.dir[jlo]), 'M');
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- m = (int)(MinDistance(cp1.obj[ilo], cp2.obj[jlo])*60.0);
- sprintf(sz, "-%4d%c%02d' degree span.\n", m/60, chDeg1, m%60);
- PrintSz(sz);
- }
- }
- /* Calculate any of the various kinds of relationship charts. This involves */
- /* reading in and storing the planet and house positions for both charts, */
- /* and then combining them in the main single chart in the proper manner. */
- /* If the parameter 'fFile' is on, then we read the info for the two charts */
- /* from files, otherwise use the info in preset "core" and "second" charts. */
- void CastRelation(fFile)
- bool fFile;
- {
- byte ignoreT[objMax];
- CI ciT;
- int i;
- real ratio, t1, t2, t;
- /* Read in and cast the first chart. */
- if (fFile)
- FInputData(is.szFile);
- ciT = ciCore;
- if (fFile)
- ciTwin = ciCore;
- else
- ciCore = ciTwin;
- t1 = CastChart(fTrue);
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- {
- cp1.cusp[i] = house[i];
- cp1.house[i] = inhouse[i];
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- cp1.obj[i] = planet[i];
- cp1.alt[i] = planetalt[i];
- cp1.dir[i] = ret[i];
- }
- /* Read in the second chart. */
- if (fFile)
- {
- FInputData(is.szFile2);
- if (us.nRel == rcProgress)
- {
- us.fProgress = fTrue;
- is.JDp = MdytszToJulian(MM, DD, YY, TT, SS, ZZ);
- ciCore = ciT;
- }
- }
- else ciCore = ciT;
- ciMain = ciCore;
- if (us.nRel == rcTransit)
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- ignoreT[i] = ignore[i];
- ignore[i] = ignore[i] && ignore2[i];
- }
- }
- t2 = CastChart(fTrue);
- if (us.nRel == rcTransit)
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- ignore[i] = ignoreT[i];
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- {
- cp2.cusp[i] = house[i];
- cp2.house[i] = inhouse[i];
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- cp2.obj[i] = planet[i];
- cp2.alt[i] = planetalt[i];
- cp2.dir[i] = ret[i];
- }
- /* Now combine the two charts based on what relation we are doing. */
- /* For the standard -r synastry chart, use the house cusps of chart1 */
- /* and the planets positions of chart2. */
- ratio = (real)us.nRatio1 / ((real)(us.nRatio1 + us.nRatio2));
- if (us.nRel <= rcSynastry)
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- house[i] = cp1.cusp[i];
- }
- /* For the -rc composite chart, take the midpoints of the planets/houses. */
- else if (us.nRel == rcComposite)
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- planet[i] = Ratio(cp1.obj[i], cp2.obj[i], ratio);
- if (RAbs(cp2.obj[i] - cp1.obj[i]) > rDegHalf)
- planet[i] = Mod(planet[i] + rDegMax*ratio);
- planetalt[i] = Ratio(cp1.alt[i], cp2.alt[i], ratio);
- ret[i] = Ratio(cp1.dir[i], cp2.dir[i], ratio);
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- {
- house[i] = Ratio(cp1.cusp[i], cp2.cusp[i], ratio);
- if (RAbs(cp2.cusp[i] - cp1.cusp[i]) > rDegHalf)
- house[i] = Mod(house[i] + rDegMax*ratio);
- }
- /* Make sure we don't have any 180 degree errors in house cusp */
- /* complement pairs, which may happen if the cusps are far apart. */
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- if (MinDistance(house[sCap], Mod(house[i]-ZFromS(i+3))) > rDegQuad)
- house[i] = Mod(house[i]+rDegHalf);
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- if (RAbs(MinDistance(house[i], planet[oAsc - 1 + i])) > rDegQuad)
- planet[oAsc - 1 + i] = Mod(planet[oAsc - 1 + i]+rDegHalf);
- }
- /* For the -rm time space midpoint chart, calculate the midpoint time and */
- /* place between the two charts and then recast for the new chart info. */
- else if (us.nRel == rcMidpoint)
- {
- T = Ratio(t1, t2, ratio);
- t = (T*36525.0)+rRound; is.JD = RFloor(t)+2415020.0; TT = RFract(t)*24.0;
- ZZ = Ratio(DecToDeg(ciT.zon), DecToDeg(Zon), ratio);
- SS = Ratio(DecToDeg(ciT.dst), DecToDeg(Dst), ratio);
- TT -= ZZ;
- if (TT < 0.0) {
- TT += 24.0; is.JD -= 1.0;
- }
- JulianToMdy(is.JD, &MM, &DD, &YY);
- OO = Ratio(DecToDeg(ciT.lon), DecToDeg(Lon), ratio);
- if (RAbs(Lon-ciT.lon) > rDegHalf)
- OO = Mod(OO+rDegMax*ratio);
- AA = Ratio(DecToDeg(ciT.lat), DecToDeg(Lat), ratio);
- TT = DegToDec(TT); SS = DegToDec(SS); ZZ = DegToDec(ZZ);
- OO = DegToDec(OO); AA = DegToDec(AA);
- ciMain = ciCore;
- CastChart(fTrue);
- /* There are a couple of non-astrological charts, which only require the */
- /* number of days that have passed between the two charts to be done. */
- } else
- is.JD = RAbs(t2-t1)*36525.0;
- ComputeInHouses();
- }
- /*
- ******************************************************************************
- ** Other Chart Display Routines.
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- /* Given two objects and an aspect between them, or an object and a sign */
- /* that it's entering, print if this is a "major" event, such as a season */
- /* change or major lunar phase. This is called from the ChartInDay() */
- /* searching and influence routines. Do an interpretation if need be too. */
- void PrintInDay(source, aspect, dest)
- int source, aspect, dest;
- {
- if (aspect == aSig)
- {
- if (source == oSun)
- {
- AnsiColor(kWhite);
- if (dest == 1)
- PrintSz(" (Vernal Equinox)"); /* If the Sun changes sign, */
- else if (dest == 4) /* then print out if this */
- PrintSz(" (Summer Solstice)"); /* is a season change. */
- else if (dest == 7)
- PrintSz(" (Autumnal Equinox)");
- else if (dest == 10)
- PrintSz(" (Winter Solstice)");
- }
- }
- else if (aspect > 0)
- {
- if (source == oSun && dest == oMoo)
- {
- if (aspect <= aSqu)
- AnsiColor(kWhite);
- if (aspect == aCon)
- PrintSz(" (New Moon)"); /* Print out if the present */
- else if (aspect == aOpp) /* aspect is a New, Full, */
- PrintSz(" (Full Moon)"); /* or Half Moon. */
- else if (aspect == aSqu)
- PrintSz(" (Half Moon)");
- }
- }
- PrintL();
- #ifdef INTERPRET
- if (us.fInterpret)
- InterpretInDay(source, aspect, dest);
- #endif
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- }
- /* Given two objects and an aspect (or one object, and an event such as a */
- /* sign or direction change) display the configuration in question. This */
- /* is called by the many charts which list aspects among items, such as */
- /* the -a aspect lists, -m midpoint lists, -d aspect in day search and */
- /* influence charts, and -t transit search and influence charts. */
- void PrintAspect(obj1, sign1, ret1, asp, obj2, sign2, ret2, chart)
- int obj1, sign1, ret1, asp, obj2, sign2, ret2;
- char chart;
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- AnsiColor(kObjA[obj1]);
- if (chart == 't' || chart == 'T')
- PrintSz("trans ");
- else if (chart == 'e' || chart == 'u' || chart == 'U')
- PrintSz("progr ");
- sprintf(sz, "%7.7s", szObjName[obj1]); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(kSignA(sign1));
- sprintf(sz, " %c%c%c%c%c",
- ret1 > 0 ? '(' : (ret1 < 0 ? '[' : '<'), chSig3(sign1),
- ret1 > 0 ? ')' : (ret1 < 0 ? ']' : '>')); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(asp > 0 ? kAspA[asp] : kWhite);
- PrintCh(' ');
- if (asp == aSig)
- sprintf(sz, "-->"); /* Print a sign change. */
- else if (asp == aDir)
- sprintf(sz, "S/%c", obj2 ? chRet : 'D'); /* Print a direction change. */
- else if (asp == 0)
- sprintf(sz, chart == 'm' ? "&" : "with");
- else
- sprintf(sz, "%s", szAspectAbbrev[asp]); /* Print an aspect. */
- PrintSz(sz);
- if (asp != aDir)
- PrintCh(' ');
- if (chart == 'A')
- PrintSz("with ");
- if (asp == aSig)
- {
- AnsiColor(kSignA(obj2));
- sprintf(sz, "%s", szSignName[obj2]); PrintSz(sz);
- }
- else if (asp >= 0)
- {
- AnsiColor(kSignA(sign2));
- if (chart == 't' || chart == 'u' || chart == 'T' || chart == 'U')
- PrintSz("natal ");
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c%c%c ",
- ret2 > 0 ? '(' : (ret2 < 0 ? '[' : '<'), chSig3(sign2),
- ret2 > 0 ? ')' : (ret2 < 0 ? ']' : '>')); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(kObjA[obj2]);
- sprintf(sz, "%.10s", szObjName[obj2]); PrintSz(sz);
- }
- if (chart == 'D' || chart == 'T' || chart == 'U' ||
- chart == 'a' || chart == 'A' || chart == 'm' || chart == 'M')
- PrintTab(' ', 10-CchSz(szObjName[obj2]));
- }
- /* Based on the given chart information, display all the aspects taking */
- /* place in the chart, as specified with the -D switch. The aspects are */
- /* printed in order of influence determined by treating them as happening */
- /* outside among transiting planets, such that rare outer planet aspects */
- /* are given more power than common ones among inner planets. (This is */
- /* almost identical to the -a list, except the influences are different.) */
- void ChartInDayInfluence()
- {
- int source[MAXINDAY], aspect[MAXINDAY], dest[MAXINDAY];
- real power[MAXINDAY];
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- int occurcount = 0, i, j, k, l, m;
- /* Go compute the aspects in the chart. */
- i = us.fAppSep;
- us.fAppSep = fTrue; /* We always want applying vs. separating orbs. */
- FCreateGrid(fFalse);
- us.fAppSep = i;
- /* Search through the grid and build up the list of aspects. */
- for (j = 2; j <= cObj; j++)
- {
- if (ignore[j])
- continue;
- for (i = 1; i < j; i++)
- {
- if (ignore[i] || (k = grid->n[i][j]) == 0 || occurcount >= MAXINDAY)
- continue;
- source[occurcount] = i; aspect[occurcount] = k; dest[occurcount] = j;
- l = grid->v[i][j];
- power[occurcount] =
- ((i <= oNorm ? transitinf[i] : 2.0)/4.0)*
- ((j <= oNorm ? transitinf[j] : 2.0)/4.0)*
- aspectinf[k]*(1.0-(real)abs(l)/60.0/GetOrb(i, j, k));
- occurcount++;
- }
- }
- /* Sort aspects by order of influence. */
- for (i = 1; i < occurcount; i++)
- {
- j = i-1;
- while (j >= 0 && power[j] < power[j+1])
- {
- SwapN(source[j], source[j+1]);
- SwapN(aspect[j], aspect[j+1]);
- SwapN(dest[j], dest[j+1]);
- SwapR(&power[j], &power[j+1]);
- j--;
- }
- }
- /* Now display each aspect line. */
- for (i = 0; i < occurcount; i++)
- {
- sprintf(sz, "%3d: ", i+1); PrintSz(sz);
- j = source[i]; k = aspect[i]; l = dest[i];
- PrintAspect(
- j, SFromZ(planet[j]), (int)RSgn(ret[j]), k,
- l, SFromZ(planet[l]), (int)RSgn(ret[l]), 'D');
- m = grid->v[j][l];
- AnsiColor(m < 0 ? kWhite : kLtGray);
- sprintf(sz, "- %s%2d%c%02d'", m < 0 ? "app" : "sep",
- abs(m)/60, chDeg1, abs(m)%60); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(kDkGreen);
- sprintf(sz, " - power:%6.2f", power[i]); PrintSz(sz);
- PrintInDay(j, k, l);
- }
- }
- /* Given an arbitrary day, determine what aspects are made between this */
- /* transiting chart and the given natal chart, as specified with the -T */
- /* switch, and display the transits in order sorted by influence. */
- void ChartTransitInfluence(fProg)
- bool fProg;
- {
- int source[MAXINDAY], aspect[MAXINDAY], dest[MAXINDAY];
- real power[MAXINDAY];
- byte ignore3[objMax];
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- int occurcount = 0, i, j, k, l, m;
- /* Cast the natal and transiting charts as with a relationship chart. */
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- cp1.cusp[i] = house[i];
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- cp1.obj[i] = planet[i];
- cp1.dir[i] = ret[i];
- }
- ciCore = ciTwin;
- if (us.fProgress = fProg)
- {
- is.JDp = MdytszToJulian(MM, DD, YY, TT, SS, ZZ);
- ciCore = ciMain;
- }
- CastChart(fTrue);
- for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
- cp2.cusp[i] = house[i];
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- cp2.obj[i] = planet[i];
- cp2.dir[i] = ret[i];
- }
- /* Do a relationship aspect grid to get the transits. We have to make and */
- /* restore three changes to get it right for this chart. (1) We make the */
- /* natal planets have zero velocity so applying vs. separating is only a */
- /* function of the transiter. (2) We force applying vs. separating orbs */
- /* regardless if -ga or -ma is in effect or not. (3) Finally we tweak the */
- /* main restrictions to allow for transiting objects not restricted. */
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- ret[i] = cp1.dir[i];
- cp1.dir[i] = 0.0;
- ignore3[i] = ignore[i];
- ignore[i] = ignore[i] && ignore2[i];
- }
- i = us.fAppSep;
- us.fAppSep = fTrue;
- FCreateGridRelation(fFalse);
- us.fAppSep = i;
- for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
- {
- cp1.dir[i] = ret[i];
- ignore[i] = ignore3[i];
- }
- /* Loop through the grid, and build up a list of the valid transits. */
- for (i = 1; i <= oNorm; i++)
- {
- if (ignore2[i] || !FThing(i))
- continue;
- for (j = 1; j <= cObj; j++)
- {
- if (ignore[j] || (k = grid->n[i][j]) == 0 || occurcount >= MAXINDAY)
- continue;
- source[occurcount] = i; aspect[occurcount] = k; dest[occurcount] = j;
- l = grid->v[i][j];
- power[occurcount] = transitinf[i]*
- ((j <= oNorm ? objectinf[j] : 2.0)/4.0)*aspectinf[k]*
- (1.0-(real)abs(l)/60.0/GetOrb(i, j, k));
- occurcount++;
- }
- }
- /* After all transits located, sort them by their total power. */
- for (i = 1; i < occurcount; i++)
- {
- j = i-1;
- while (j >= 0 && power[j] < power[j+1])
- {
- SwapN(source[j], source[j+1]);
- SwapN(aspect[j], aspect[j+1]);
- SwapN(dest[j], dest[j+1]);
- SwapR(&power[j], &power[j+1]);
- j--;
- }
- }
- /* Now loop through list and display each transit in effect at the time. */
- for (i = 0; i < occurcount; i++)
- {
- k = aspect[i];
- l = source[i];
- sprintf(sz, "%3d: ", i+1); PrintSz(sz);
- j = SFromZ(cp2.obj[l]);
- PrintAspect(l, j, (int)RSgn(cp2.dir[l]), k,
- dest[i], SFromZ(cp1.obj[dest[i]]), (int)RSgn(cp1.dir[dest[i]]),
- (char)(fProg ? 'U' : 'T'));
- m = grid->v[l][dest[i]];
- AnsiColor(m < 0 ? kWhite : kLtGray);
- sprintf(sz, "- %s%2d%c%02d'", m < 0 ? "app" : "sep",
- abs(m)/60, chDeg1, abs(m)%60); PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(kDkGreen);
- sprintf(sz, " - power:%6.2f", power[i]); PrintSz(sz);
- if (k == aCon && l == dest[i]) { /* Print a small "R" for returns. */
- AnsiColor(kWhite);
- PrintSz(" R");
- }
- PrintL();
- #ifdef INTERPRET
- if (us.fInterpret)
- InterpretTransit(l, k, dest[i]);
- #endif
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- }
- }
- /* Given the zodiac location of a planet in the sky and its declination, */
- /* and a location on the Earth, compute the azimuth and altitude of where */
- /* on the local horizon sky the planet would appear to one at the given */
- /* location. A reference MC position at Greenwich is also needed for this. */
- void EclToHorizon(azi, alt, planet, planetalt, lon, lat, mc)
- real *azi, *alt, planet, planetalt, lon, lat, mc;
- {
- real lonz, latz;
- lonz = RFromD(planet); latz = RFromD(planetalt);
- EclToEqu(&lonz, &latz);
- lonz = RFromD(Mod(DFromR(mc-lonz+lon)));
- lonz = RFromD(Mod(DFromR(lonz-lon+rPiHalf)));
- EquToLocal(&lonz, &latz, rPiHalf-lat);
- *azi = rDegMax-DFromR(lonz); *alt = DFromR(latz);
- }
- /* Display a calendar for the given month in the chart, as specified with */
- /* with the -K switch. When color is on, the title is white, weekends are */
- /* highlighted in red, and the specific day in the chart is colored green. */
- void ChartCalendarMonth()
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- int i, j, k;
- AnsiColor(kWhite);
- PrintTab(' ', 16-CchSz(szMonth[Mon]) >> 1);
- sprintf(sz, "%s%5d\n", szMonth[Mon], Yea); PrintSz(sz);
- for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c", szDay[i][0], szDay[i][1], i < 6 ? ' ' : '\n');
- PrintSz(sz);
- }
- j = DayOfWeek(Mon, 1, Yea);
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- AnsiColor(kRainbowA[1]);
- PrintSz("-- ");
- if (i == 0)
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- }
- k = DayInMonth(Mon, Yea);
- for (i = 1; i <= k; i = AddDay(Mon, i, Yea, 1))
- {
- if (i == (int)Day)
- AnsiColor(kRainbowA[4]);
- else if (j == 0 || j == 6)
- AnsiColor(kRainbowA[1]);
- sprintf(sz, "%2d", i); PrintSz(sz);
- if (j == 0 || j == 6 || i == Day)
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- if (j < 6)
- {
- j++;
- PrintCh(' ');
- }
- else
- {
- j = 0;
- PrintL();
- }
- }
- while (j > 0 && j < 7)
- {
- if (j == 6)
- AnsiColor(kRainbowA[1]);
- j++;
- sprintf(sz, "--%c", j < 7 ? ' ' : '\n'); PrintSz(sz);
- }
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- }
- /* Display a calendar for the entire year given in the chart, as specified */
- /* with the -Ky switch. This is just like twelve of the individual month */
- /* calendars above displayed together, with same color highlights and all. */
- void ChartCalendarYear()
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- int r, w, c, m, d, dy, p[3], l[3], n[3];
- dy = DayOfWeek(1, 1, Yea);
- for (r = 0; r < 4; r++) /* Loop over one set of three months */
- {
- AnsiColor(kWhite);
- for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
- {
- m = r*3+c+1;
- PrintTab(' ', 16-CchSz(szMonth[m]) >> 1);
- sprintf(sz, "%s%5d", szMonth[m], Yea); PrintSz(sz);
- if (c < 2)
- PrintTab(' ', 20 + MONTHSPACE -
- (16-CchSz(szMonth[m]) >> 1) - CchSz(szMonth[m]) - 5);
- }
- PrintL();
- for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
- {
- for (d = 0; d < 7; d++)
- {
- sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c", szDay[d][0], szDay[d][1],
- d < 6 || c < 2 ? ' ' : '\n'); PrintSz(sz);
- }
- if (c < 2)
- PrintTab(' ', MONTHSPACE-1);
- m = r*3+c+1;
- p[c] = dy % 7;
- l[c] = DayInMonth(m, Yea);
- n[c] = 0;
- dy += DaysInMonth(m, Yea);
- }
- for (w = 0; w < 6; w++) /* Loop over one set of week rows */
- {
- for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) /* Loop over one week in a month */
- {
- m = r*3+c+1;
- d = 0;
- if (w == 0)
- {
- while (d < p[c])
- {
- if (d == 0)
- AnsiColor(kRainbowA[1]);
- PrintSz("-- ");
- if (d == 0)
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- d++;
- }
- }
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- while (d < 7 && n[c] < l[c])
- {
- n[c] = AddDay(m, n[c], Yea, 1);
- if (n[c] == Day && m == Mon)
- AnsiColor(kRainbowA[4]);
- else if (d == 0 || d == 6)
- AnsiColor(kRainbowA[1]);
- sprintf(sz, "%2d%c", n[c], d < 6 || c < 2 ? ' ' : '\n');
- PrintSz(sz);
- if (d == 0 || d == 6 || (n[c] == Day && m == Mon))
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- d++;
- }
- while (d < 7)
- {
- if (d == 0 || d == 6)
- AnsiColor(kRainbowA[1]);
- sprintf(sz, "--%c", d < 6 || c < 2 ? ' ' : '\n'); PrintSz(sz);
- if (d == 0)
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- d++;
- }
- if (c < 2)
- PrintTab(' ', MONTHSPACE-1);
- }
- }
- if (r < 3)
- PrintL();
- }
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- }
- /* Display either a biorhythm chart or the time difference in various units */
- /* between two charts, i.e. two types of relationship "charts" that aren't */
- /* related in any way to planetary positions, as specified by either the */
- /* -rb or -rd switches, respectively. */
- void DisplayRelation()
- {
- char sz[cchSzDef];
- int i;
- #ifdef BIORHYTHM
- int j;
- real k, l;
- #endif
- /* If we are calculating the difference between two dates, then display */
- /* the value and return, as with the -rd switch. */
- if (us.nRel == rcDifference)
- {
- PrintSz("Differences between the dates in the two charts:\n");
- for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
- {
- AnsiColor(kRainbowA[i]);
- switch (i) {
- case 1: sprintf(sz, "Years : %.0f", is.JD/365.25); break;
- case 2: sprintf(sz, "Months : %.0f", is.JD/(365.25/12)); break;
- case 3: sprintf(sz, "Weeks : %.0f", is.JD/7.0); break;
- case 4: sprintf(sz, "Days : %.0f", is.JD); break;
- case 5: sprintf(sz, "Hours : %.0f", is.JD*24.0); break;
- case 6: sprintf(sz, "Minutes: %.0f", is.JD*24.0*60.0); break;
- case 7: sprintf(sz, "Seconds: %.0f", is.JD*24.0*3600.0); break;
- }
- PrintSz(sz);
- PrintL();
- }
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- return;
- }
- #ifdef BIORHYTHM
- /* If we are doing a biorhythm (-rb switch), then we'll calculate it for */
- /* someone born on the older date, at the time of the younger date. Loop */
- /* through the week preceeding and following the date in question. */
- is.JD = RFloor(is.JD + rRound);
- for (is.JD -= 7.0, i = -7; i <= 7; i++, is.JD += 1.0)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- AnsiColor(kWhite);
- else if (i == 1)
- AnsiColor(kDefault);
- sprintf(sz, "T%c%d Day%c:",
- i < 0 ? '-' : '+', abs(i), abs(i) != 1 ? 's' : ' '); PrintSz(sz);
- for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
- {
- PrintCh(' ');
- switch (j) {
- case 1: k = brPhy; AnsiColor(kRed); PrintSz("Physical"); break;
- case 2: k = brEmo; AnsiColor(kBlue); PrintSz("Emotional"); break;
- case 3: k = brInt; AnsiColor(kGreen); PrintSz("Intellectual"); break;
- }
- AnsiColor(i ? kDefault : kWhite);
- /* The biorhythm calculation is below. */
- l = RBiorhythm(is.JD, k);
- sprintf(sz, " at %c%3.0f%%", l < 0.0 ? '-' : '+', RAbs(l)); PrintSz(sz);
- /* Print smiley face, medium face, or sad face based on current cycle. */
- AnsiColor(kPurple);
- sprintf(sz, " :%c", l > 50.0 ? ')' : (l < -50.0 ? '(' : '|'));
- PrintSz(sz);
- AnsiColor(i ? kDefault : kWhite);
- if (j < 3)
- PrintCh(',');
- }
- PrintL();
- }
- #endif /* BIORHYTHM */
- }
- /* charts2.c */